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If you love the game of Scattegories, then Scattergories Categories is the next game you'll want to play! It's a great twist on your favorite. Each round starts with a word and phrase- for instance, the card says ROAD TRIP and "Names of Cities". You have two minutes to list as many cities as you can thatt start with the letters in the words Road Trip. When time's up players compare their lists. You'll score 1 point for each answer that doesn't match an opponent's answer. Be creative, seek unique words and you'll score big! The first player to accumulate 25 points wins the game.
Age 12+, 25-35 minutes, 2-4 players
Complexity Raiting: 1.43 / 5
$ 21.98
Blurbs Against Buffalo is a new card game created by a local Buffalonian that pokes a little fun at our hometown. It covers popular Buffalo topics such as our weather,...
$ 5.98
LCR® Left Center Right is a fun, fast-paced dice game that you won't be able to put down! Each game includes 3 specialty marked LCR® dice, 24 playing chips and...
$ 18.98
We're considered major players in the fake poop business over the past few decades and we can confidently say this is the best fake poop money can buy right now....