$ 12.98
Buy it or go F**K yourself.
Perfect gift for weddings, funerals, retirement parties, anniversaries, gift baskets, delivery rooms, and mothers in law. Even the Pope could use this now and then.
You'll like this more than bacon.
4 out of 5 Grandmas approve. The 5th one can go F**K herself.
Monks overheard saying loudly, "This really helps with that vow of silence thing!"
( may not be useful in IRS audits... Do not insert in bodily orifices)
$ 18.98
We're considered major players in the fake poop business over the past few decades and we can confidently say this is the best fake poop money can buy right now....
$ 12.98
Putrid, vial, repulsive, and foul are the best words to describe the three different scented sprays from Liquid Assets. A single spray from its convieniently sized bottle is strong enough...
Sold Out
We're considered major players in the fake poop business over the past few decades and we can confidently say this is the best fake poop money can buy right now....